Yes... I screwed up. Earlier today I accidentally published one photo that will be part of an upcoming post on the New Years Day Brunch I am hosting January 1, 2014. And now you know that Potato Latkes will be part of the brunch menu. Ahh... but you'll have to check back to see just how those latkes will be used in the scheme of things. To make amends, I scrambled to put together a little slideshow of the photography exhibit, Eileen Zuber Troxel -- My Amana, I had in my hometown of Amana, Iowa this past fall. The Amana Colonies were a very special place to grow up and I tried to capture the beauty of the Amanas, and the way I remember them, in these photos. If you are interested in reading about the history of the Amana Colonies, once a communal society, click HERE. I promise I'll be back after New Years Day with photos and recipes from the brunch. In the meantime, enjoy the show...
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