I have been making Bistecca alla Florentina (Tuscan Porterhouse) ever since our neighbors served it to us a couple of years ago, after returning home from a vacation to Italy. It's a snap to make and wonderful served with any fresh produce from your garden or the farmers' market... especially a tomato caprese salad! Porterhouse, New York Strip or T-Bone is the suggested cut of meat, but I have been using Top Round recently; the thicker, the better.
Prepare the grill. Over high heat, sear the steak, reduce the heat (or raise the rack) and continue to cook until medium-rare. Have waiting, a platter of chopped fresh rosemary, chopped fresh sage and lots of finely-diced garlic. Pour over this at least one-third of a cup of extra-virgin olive oil (the more, the better, as far as I'm concerned). The moment the steak is pulled off the grill, plunge into the herb and oil mixture and start flipping the steak. Add a good dose of salt (it is impossible to over-salt once the steak is seared); continue to flip, then add freshly ground pepper. Simple, and absolutely delicious!
1 Comment
8/22/2009 01:37:15 am
Winner, winner, big steak dinner! Wow Eileen, this looks delicious. Between work, the garden, the dogs and the house and farm projects, my baking time has evaporated, but there's always time for grillin'! I'll try this tonight! thank you. -tc
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