I often think, I'm taking all this time to photograph a meal I have never eaten before. What if once I taste it, I don't like it -- time wasted! But instead I am wondering... will figs still be available to me in the coming weeks so I can make this salad over and over again? My husband started on his salad long before I did mine, and I was probably rolling my eyes when he kept telling me how good it was. I usually put a lot more effort into our evening meals and thought this might be his way of telling me -- I like a good lunch; make a hearty salad more often! But it didn't take me long once I started eating to agree with him and wonder... who do I thank first? Sylvia Fountaine for the recipe? Trader Joe's for the beautiful figs I've had trouble locating all summer? Cypress Grove for my favorite goat cheese, Humboldt Fog? Actually, I probably made this salad because I have more kale in my garden than I know what to do with... So, thanks, Eileen! It all comes down to the ingredients. Purchase the freshest figs that are firm and wrinkle free. Toast the farro grains in a dry pan for about 2 minutes before you add the water. Bypass the logs of goat cheese and get some Humboldt Fog by Cypress Grove -- you will love it! Most of the groceries around me sell the Humboldt Fog for $29.00./lb. COSTCO has Humboldt Fog at $17.00/lb. I hope they never discontinue carrying it because I will always continue to buy it. I've been thinking long and hard lately about the future of LivingTastefully. This fall it will be 10 years since I started my blog. Back then, there weren't many food blogs compared to the number there are now worldwide. Is LivingTastefully even relevant any longer? Several people I have mentioned this to seemed very disappointed. I really appreciate everyone that has followed LivingTastefully over the years. The one comment that has stayed with me (and I do not remember the exact words) was, "It's still relavent. We all need beauty, style, and good taste", (was that close A. R.?). Knowing it means a lot to someone else, means a lot to me. Maybe all I needed was a little time off. There are just so many other things I want to do, but I suppose I can do a little of each. As of now, I will continue with L.T and see where it goes... Farro Salad with Kale, Figs and Goat Cheese |